Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Hey lovies, another day another post!
Been a minute. Today we'll take a look at a trending fashion item... drum rolls... The leather skater skirt.

There are so may ways to style and rock your skater skirt!

I'll share mine which involved a blouse and the skirt.
 The ideas to style it are limitless from crop tops to vests, to t-shirts, whatever tickles your fashion fancy goes!

There are honestly a thousand and one ways to accessorize and style your skater skirt literally.

I decided to rock my skater skirt with a chiffon blouse and black heels.
I usually have a fashion rule where I can choose to reveal more skin from the bottom or the top. In this case since the skirt is short, I opted for an unexposed top, to bring balance. Try it! You will always look classy.

Fashion is what's trending, style is how you make fashion work for you, by bringing out the best in you. How you dress is an expression of yourself. Again,it's not always about what's trending in fashion, flatters your body shape and personality. 
Take it from me, most times what works for another person may not always work for you. 

Feel free to share how you've been rocking your skater skirt! 

The chocker is custom made form beaded chic. I wrote a bit about beaded chic in my previous post. Check it out.  Check us out on Instagram as well @ Beaded_Chic! For more custom made jewelry designs.

Till next time,
Stay fiercely skater!
Strawberries and cream.

Friday, 5 February 2016


Hello beautiful people. I believe Happy New Year greetings are in order. Sorry been busy with school and other projects and haven't been able to blog as often as I'd love too, miss me much? But it was all worth it.
Today I'll let you in on one of the projects I have been working on which is... *drum rolls*...
 Making customized jewelry and accessories.

It came to me as a hobby once I finished high school, and now that am in need of that pin money as I study, I thought it would be a good idea to monetize my hobby.
Each piece is custom made and unique, so don't expect to find someone else on the streets rocking it like you will.
I also make pieces on order, so you can always hit me up through my email.

Here are some of my first sample designs I have been working on:
( Apologies if the pics aren't as clear, took them from my cellphone, but like I said this is only the first batch, more to come!)

                                                          Colours and Chic

This is one of my favorite pieces. It's a cicular beaded chain infused with different colors of beads and a white crystal pendant.  Simply fun and chic.

                                                               Multi-colored Muse

 It's a fun out of the box piece. The colors are almost insync with those of the rainbow. It consists of circular beads hanging of from a chain, and a ribbon wounded around the second chain layer. I think it just spells fun.

Double Pearl Chain

Double chains are trending accessories, so I decided why not make one from pearls.
Turquoise splendor 

Beautiful piece, that represents the serenity that comes with the color blue. It has a navy blue metallic pendant that has been lined with some art. The blue beads are turquoise in color, but with some white rock beads to complete the chain.

Green lantern

These are green beads covered with a metallic floral patterns.
The pendant is a crystal pendant of the letter G, for green, lined with glass crystals, that glow when exposed to light.
Every girl has a hero in her,I believe, and this piece expresses just that. oh, and also if your name starts with a G, that too.

                                                                    Purple Hues

Hues of purple on a necklace. The small beads are purple beads made of clay lined with some silver art around them, while the lighter purple beads are just simply clay beads. The pendant is a see through melamine bead.
Purple represents royalty and every lady will feel like a queen in this piece.
( Apologies if the pics aren't as clear, took them from my cellphone, but like I said this is only the first batch, more to come!)
Am selling each piece at Ksh. 250 with additional Ksh. 200 for delivery outside CBD.
If you are outside Kenya and interested, check out my shop on Etsy called Formal In Pink.
Website link www.etsy.com
If interested comment below or hit me up through my email.
Each design is custom made to fit each individuals personality and style. You can also order your own designs of what you would love to have.
Stay safe.
Till next time let's stay freshly accessorized.
Strawberries and Cream.